Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hacker Cup Qualification Round Answer

this is the solution for the third problem


Monday, November 15, 2010

Lenovo LePad comes next year in the U.S.

Lenovo CEO Yang Yuanqing has the Wall Street Journal against confirmed that its Android-Tablet LePad next year in the U.S. market will come in the. Following an earlier statement Lenovo LePad should only be delivered in USA, when a suitable Android version was ready. Now, Lenovo seems to be confident that such Google can deliver. The China-launch will be delayed, however, there is also the LePad now until 2011 to come into the stores.

Dell developed Streak's successor, Opus One is running at 1.2 GHz dual core

On consumer side on the due date will update Android 2.2 aka Froyo for Dell Streak feverishly awaitingthe PC giant is working - of course! - Already on a new version. That at least is on the blog Streak smart read. At a presentation on a small scale details were revealed. In May next year, the successor to the market to come. The "Opus One", the current code-name is, a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor and have the display resolution set clear 1280x800p. This information is of course to enjoy with extreme caution. Dell, however, carries on that with the 5 "-androids seems credible. And then to go on the same solid, too.

Exemode brings out 3D pocket camcorder

The Japanese company Exemode has announced a 3D pocket camcorder, that for the 24 800 yen (almost 220 €) will come on the market months ahead. The 3DV-5WF takes 3D video with a resolution of 848 x 480 and 30fps, 3D images have a maximum resolution of 1280 x 960 The camera is not limited to 3D, 2D Video Mode comes with 720p. More Specs: 5.04Mpix CMOS sensor with 128MB internal memory and support for both SD and SDHC cards up to 32GB. All videos are shot with H.264/MPEG-4 AVC. There's a picture of the back after the break.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obscure-digital-multi-user multi-touch

Obscura Digital has its newest and longest multi-touch wall at the Hard Rock Cafe in Las Vegas unveiled. The monster is probably the interactive display with the highest resolution in the civilian sector.

The 5.5 meter display can seamlessly work with multiple GPUs, and divides the screen into a work space for up to six users. On the screen the mega-hard-rock Visitors can also browse through picture and movie memorabilia to the restaurant chain.
The HD display uses three projectors and gets along with 100 high-resolution photos and video simultaneously and in real time. Photos are shown for example with a resolution of 12 megapixels upwards. The sound system generates a precisely targeted to the location of the user audio output in order not to go different users on each other's alarm clock.

obscure-digital-multi-user multi-touch

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Robot communicates nonverbally

If robots one day at home and in public as a normal part of human society are accepted, they must be intuitiveto human action and respond to behave so that people understand it easier. At this year's "Human-RobotInteraction Conference (HRI) of the IEEE in La Jolla, California, researchers are now presenting the latestadvances in this field.Various scientific teams have long been looking for ways in which robots the subtle side of human nonverbalcommunication can detect and imitate: eye movements, gestures and physical contact. Mastering machinesonce these social niceties, which could help them, language issues and to work on human needs and respondto commands more precisely. This could be of enormous importance, experts believe, should actually robots inthe next few years, personal assistants, teachers or care assistance.Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University presented at the HRI first details of their experiments on a robot thatuses eye movements to the flow of communication with several people to steer. The technique was developedin collaboration with researchers from Osaka University and ATR Intelligent Robotics and CommunicationsLaboratory. The approach is intended, inter alia, for robots, as the receptionist in buildings or shopping malls, amuseum guide or tour guide work."The goal is to human communication mechanisms to be applied in robots so that human behavior correctlyinterpret and respond appropriately," says Bilge Mutlu, a member of the Carnegie Mellon team. "We want toeventually not unsociable, shy robot."The machine sounds from the experiments on the name Robovie and was previously developed at ATR. Thusthe robot language and views can combine, researchers developed the first accurate model of how people havetheir eyes during a conversation or discussion use. They dealt with the current literature in the field of socialcognition research, in order to develop predictive models to be able to. These were then further refined in thelaboratory data. All of that flowed into a software, which Robovie conversation in different scenarios can control.In the experiments, the machine played the role of a travel agency employee, the two trial participantswelcomed imagined them and then a series of questions, where they would like to outward. Three scenarioswere examined: the speech of a person, while others were ignored, the speech of a person, while the other withshort glances were perceived and the speech of both persons simultaneously, each with the same amount ofeye contact.The team found that the Robovie conversation flow easily, and could even lead. Those who are the robot thatwas longer, spoke more often, while those with only brief glances abbekamen, were less communicative. Thetest subjects were ignoring Robovie spoke as expected least. These patterns were roughly 97 percent of casesconsistently. In the future still looks Robovies for more non-verbal signals are added, such gestures.Another team, at the HRI conference attended by focusing on simple physical contact. With the help of a small,remote-controlled humanoid robot led researchers from the Netherlands through an experiment in which theyshowed how the robot volunteers convinced that he had them in the use of a computer could help. The testsubjects reported that the machine they like and less reliable machines happens, if this is made by offeringassistance and direct physical contact started - such as a knock on the shoulder or the high-five gesture. "Asnoted, that the way in which such behaviors are combined, plays an important role," says Henriette Cramer, aresearcher at the University of Amsterdam. Their team goal was to find out when and what physical contactworks. "We think that touch is an important aspect of interaction, and we want to further investigate effects -particularly in combination with other social behavior," she added."We want these robots to real human-like social skills lend," says Yale professor Brian Scassellati, Co-Directorof the HRI program. The field is still young, but it is growing fast. They can also learn much about human socialpsychology. "Actually, we have over the last decade, the necessary computing power and exercise capacity inthese machines, to really move forward."

Saturday, February 28, 2009

IDOU: touchscreen mobile phone with 12-megapixel camera

The new Sony Ericsson IDOU combines the benefits of the Walkman series with those of the Cybershot series. In summary, a huge 16:9 screen. Is this the iPhone killer we have to wait so long?

I had lots of touchscreen phones in my hands. But one in which the overall concept works so well, like the iPhone, I have not seen. So far at least. When I saw IDOU, I got the same big eyes: 12-megapixel camera, huge widescreen display and Walkman functionality. Since runs me like the water in the mouth.The only problem is that the device is still a prototype. Hence, there is still no known key data, except that it is running Symbian OS. A first sample is Sony Ericsson at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.The finished devices are probably in the second quarter of 2009. We must probably wait until ...

Samsung Monitor: 120-Hertz and 3D effect

The new monitor is called Syncmaster 2233RZ and is 22 inches tall. With a refresh rate of 120 Hz is used in combination with a special glasses a cool 3D effect. This creates atmosphere in games and ...
... Enriching the one or the other film. The operation is relatively simple. 120 Hz correspond to 60 Hz per eye. The special glasses from Nvidia will ensure that only one eye at the same time is addressed. For example, the monitor shows one frame for the left eye. During this time, the right disappears, and vice versa. This is a 3D effect. How cool is something of which I was personally at times last year's IFA convincing.
The Syncmaster 2233RZ can also be like a normal screen can be used. The resolution is 1680 x 1050 pixels. Switching between 3D and 2D mode via a button on the side. To view the 3D effect is able to savor a special glasses from Nvidia with graphics matching the GeForce 8 series (from GeForce 8800GT), the GeForce 9 Series (from GeForce 9600GT) and all GeForce series of cards GTX2xx necessary.
Incidentally, the screen will cost 359 Euro and is available from mid-March to have.