Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Glimpse into the molecular world

Glimpse into the molecular world

Researchers develop new super microscope

Researchers from IBM and Stanford University have created a new super-microscope, which in unprecedented structures may be: The device is still structures of 4 nanometers size three-dimensional dar.

The new technology promises unusual insights into the world of smaller and smaller. 

The development of scientists based on the magnetic atomic force microscopy (Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy, MRFM). Here, the magnetic field of a surface with the help of so-called Superconducting Quantum Interference units scanned. The procedure is similar to the well-known from the medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), however, is the resolution, according to the developer 100 million times higher.

IBM researchers have been working since the 90s at the MRFM. They succeeded, the sensitivity of the method once again to increase, so that it is extremely weak magnetic forces can be measured. Moreover, they have the procedure with a 3D image reconstruction methods.

First, they have used technology on a tobacco mosaic virus. It was a 3D view of the virus with a resolution of 4 nanometers create. That is 4 millionth of a millimeter. The virus attaches itself 18 nanometers in diameter. It was the first time that MRI for the observation of biological objects in the nanometer range has been used, so IBM.

MRI is an important tool in medicine, but for microscopy it is only suitable, said Dan Rugar, manager for Nanobereichstudien at IBM Research. Using the new technique will enable the internal structure of individual protein molecules and molecular complexes, something very important for understanding biological functions is. "This technology is the way we like viruses, bacteria, proteins and other biological elements, modify," says Mark Dean, a senior employee at IBM Research.

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