Sunday, February 8, 2009

Whose a better pirate mac or windoze

TorrentFreak tartan some seed and leech figures of Mac, Windows, and Linux software to see who's got the nicer ratio. The fallout wasn't lacking issues, but do intimate that Windows users/thieves are more polite.

First, the caveat, and it's definitely a biggie. These facts don't necessarily spot to specifically Mac, Windows, or Linux users: Windows users may download Linux software, Mac users may download Windows software, and so onwards. So this is not any kind of ironclad hardship. Nevertheless it is a fair assumption that there is a firm correlation between platform and software downloaded, and these records are different enough to at slightest imply that Windows users do certainly piece more than either Mac or Linux users.

The Pirate Bay, the web's major informant, was the informant worn for these numbers, and showed obviously that Windows software disclose ratio is more than twice that of Mac or Linux, at 2.55. Mac software clocked in at 1.19 and Linux at 1.39.

This information doesn't say something more than that Windows software is both more current to pirate(duh, more users and all) and has a, much higher common share ratio. Any conclusions you want to draw from that is up to you, but here are a few arranged conclusions I've tranquil.

1. Windoze sux.
2. Linux pwns.
3. Mactards are greedy little punks with no consideration for their fellow trivial crooks.
4. An ordeal conducted by comparing clients used to download the software would be much more interestin and accurate.
5. Battlestar Galactica was truly good this week.

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